A man is his own champion. To be a champion, you must be the man. And a man cannot be a hero without first becoming a champion
What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the words Champion and Hero? Maybe superman, Batman, someone who possesses extraordinary powers, has amazing qualities, number one, athletic, enduring, and challenging.
Champions and heroes can be the same and different from each other depending on an individual’s opinion.
A champion has more than one definition. It is usually a person who has endured pain, challenged by hardships (Opponents) and risen above many obstacles to get to the top. It is associated with Honor and portrayed as a fighting warrior. A hero is someone who possesses humility, courage, and positive qualities. They do good for the people and set an example for many. A hero can be your parent, someone you love, or a powerful figure you look up upon. The number one basketball player or golfer in the nation is an example of a champion. They have exceptional abilities to go through obstacles and reach the top.
Many people (Especially the media) see these two qualities dependent on each other. When a person becomes a champion, we automatically look up to them and view them as our hero. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Prince Williams, Lebron James, even your friends and family members are all champions that you consider heroes because they were able to succeed in life and go beyond their limit. They proved to others that since they are capable to do such thing, we all can too with the inspiration and help.
So, how is a hero defined in literature? A hero is a universal archetype and is included in almost every story. There are many elements that shape a hero. First is courage. It is what makes a person unique and differentiates a hero from a ordinary person. A hero doesn’t back down. Second element is their will power. Are they strong enough to suffer and change? This proves a person’s capability to withstand anything.
There are different types of heroes in literature. William Shakespeare is mostly known for his TRADGIC heroes such as Macbeth, King Lear, and Hamlet. They are protagonists who suffered because of that one major flaw which ends up killing them. In Macbeth, it’s pride. In Hamlet, it’s over-thinking and procrastination. In the end, the hero goes through a series of changes and draws the readers to feel pity and compassion for them. Other famous heroes in literature includes: Conan, Achilles, Beowulf, Joan of Arc, King Arthur, Don Quixote, and Jesus.
Champion-like and heroic are qualities that aren’t really tangible to us. We can’t pinpoint whether person is a hero or a champion. But we can perhaps tell if a person possess the right qualities.